Emergency Care

  • We specialize in pediatric dental and oro-facial trauma. We offer same-day and after hour emergency care for our patients as it is an important aspect of continually accessible care for children. We are built to educate, heal and brighten your child’s smile!
  • My child has a dental infection

    What should I do if my child is having a toothache?

    When your child has a toothache, it is very important to inspect and note the area that is hurting and keep the area clean of food debris and plaque. Give your child Children’s Advil or Children’s Tylenol for dental pain but do not give Aspirin or Orajel.

    Ensure your child is drinking water to stay hydrated.

    See our pediatric dentist, Dr. Don He, at Children’s Dental Health Centre for recommendations and treatment.

    What should I do if my child has facial swelling?

    When your child is having facial swelling that is fluctuant and involves the surrounding area of the eye or the neck. It is advised for your child to seek emergent care at the Alberta Children’s Hospital for intravenous antibiotics. Ensure your child is drinking water to stay hydrated. Seek care with our pediatric dentist, Dr. Don He, at Children’s Dental Health Centre, immediately after discharge from the emergency department for recommendations and definitive treatment.

    If your child is having isolated facial swelling that is fluctuant but does not involve the eye or neck, give your child Children’s Advil and Children’s Tylenol together for dental pain. Ensure your child is drinking water to stay hydrated. Seek immediate dental care with our pediatric dentist, Dr. Don He, at Children’s Dental Health Centre for recommendations and treatment.

  • My child had a dental accident

    What happens when my child’s baby tooth is knocked out?

    Do not re-implant the baby tooth. Inspect the area for the tooth to ensure your child had not swallowed or aspirated it.

    It is important to see Dr. Don He at Children’s Dental Health Centre for recommendations and treatment.

    What happens when my child’s adult tooth is knocked out?

    Immediately ensure your child is conscious and that there are no obvious head injuries. Your child should have an assessment in the emergency department, if you suspect any loss of consciousness, confusion or impediment of speech.

    Immediately re-implant the adult tooth into the socket in the correct orientation and have your child bite gently down on a gauze or towel. If you are uncomfortable with re-implanting the adult tooth into the socket, have your child hold the tooth in his mouth with saliva or to place the adult tooth immediately in Hank’s balanced salt solution or milk.

    It is important you see us immediately as this type of injury is very time sensitive.

    Call Dr. Don He at Children’s Dental Health Centre immediately to see us for recommendations and treatment.

    What happens when my child chipped a tooth?

    Ensure to save any fragment that you find and place it into a zip-lock bag with milk

    Call Dr. Don He at Children’s Dental Health Centre for recommendations and treatment.

  • Your child’s dental home starts here!